

Well, I've finally figured out why Frank killed himself. He wanted to save Katrina...

I went looking on Frank's hard drive, and I found a file called Nimbus. Obviously, that made me think of Katrina's message from Frank about the cloud. In the file was an email, and here's what it said:

DATE: Nov. 2, 2006
From: “XXXXXXX” plessingphoenix@yahoo.com
To: “Frank Dawes” frankdawes@yahoo.com
Subj: Instructions
Frank, we have Katrina locked up. We will release her upon confirmation of
your death.

I'm pretty pissed off right now. They didn't stick to their end of the bargain, and now Frank is dead anyway.

I'm going back to the PhoenixFire Headquarters tomorrow to see if I can find Katrina, or maybe just get some more information on whatever's happening on the 17th.

I'm on AIM, if anyone wants to talk. You know my s/n.

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